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Mi Chu won her employment with the Library of Congress under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act of 1972.

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     Mi Chu was the first Chinese-American woman to win a sex discrimination lawsuit under the Equal Employment Opportunity Act.

     Originally from Taiwan, she obtained a Ph.D. from Harvard University. In 1977, she applied for a job as a librarian with the Library of Congress. She was denied even an interview.

     She sued and won a sex discrimination-in-employment  Defendant, Civil Action No. 78–1034, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia). Her lawyer sent her a note: "Think of it, Mi Chu Wiens has defeated the United States of America."

     She worked in the Library of Congress for 35 years and retired in 2012.

  居蜜(Chu Mi)畢業於台灣大學,擁有哈佛大學的碩士及博士學位,精通中英法三國語言,任職副教授,也有許多專業著作。

  1977年,她向美國國會圖書館亞洲部求職,連面試的機會都被拒絕,館方的理由是她缺乏3年專業職等的經驗。居蜜於是向聯邦法 院提起性別歧視訴訟,法官發現被雇用的男士的專業程度與經驗比不上居蜜,違反1964年「民權法」以及1972年「就業機會平等 法」,因此將此職位判給了居蜜。



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