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Contact us and tell us your legal story as a Chinese American women

Judy Chu was the first Chinese-American Congresswoman.

Judy May Chu was the first Chinese-American woman ever elected to the U.S. Congress. On June 18, 2012, the United States House of Representatives passed a resolution introduced by Congresswoman Chu that formally expressed the regret of the House of Representatives for the Chinese Exclusion Act.
趙美心(Judy Chu),1953年生於美國加州,她代表 民主黨在加利福尼亞州第32選區當選聯邦眾議員,成 為歷史上第一位華裔女性眾議員。
美國眾議院於2012 年6月18日通過趙美心的提案,正式向全體華人為當年的排華法案表示遺憾。
Dolly Gee became the first female Chinese-American federal judge.

Dolly Gee is the Federal District Court judge for the Central District Court of California. She was nominated by President Obama and approved by the entire Senate in 2009.
2009年,朱美瑜(Dolly Gee)經由歐巴馬總統提名,參議院全票通過,成為美國第一位華裔女性聯邦法院法官,任職於加州中區聯邦法院。